How to be a budget globetrotter on a shoestring

Backpacking: Tips for Becoming a Budget Backpacker

Backpacking is a pursuit that many long to embark on, but achieving excellence in it requires time and skill. It’s not necessarily something you can be inherently bad at, yet it does demand some experience to fully grasp the intricacies of how to travel affordably. If you’re new to this realm, don’t fret. I’m here to offer you valuable tips on how to kickstart your journey towards becoming a budget backpacker and keep your expenses in check.

If you’re a novice in this matter, don’t worry, I’m going to give you some excellent tips on how you can start your journey to being a budget backpacker, and keep the costs low.

But first of all, what exactly makes backpacking so great and why should you consider it? To begin with, you gain a much more authentic experience. Luxury holidays are indeed delightful and, of course, less stressful, but you miss out on truly immersing yourself in the country you’re visiting in its most unadulterated form. You’ll have the opportunity to experience a richer culture, learn from the locals and savor the traditional dishes. Secondly, it’s incredibly cost-effective! Yes, it does require a bit of effort and hustle, but it’s well worth it. You’ll save so much money that you can then use to explore more destinations, a win-win situation! Last but not least, you’ll meet some amazing people. The friendships you form while traveling this way will be among the best connections you make, as you may meet both locals and make friends in hostels. There’s simply no better way.

So, let’s dive in!

Prepare Yourself to Be a Budget Backpacker

First and foremost, you need to do a bit of preparation. I know it may seem mundane, but unless you want to find yourself in a situation weeks into your trip with no money left and realizing you don’t have half the essentials, it’s advisable not to skip this step. A lot of people may decide to be a budget backpacker on a whim and think they can simply hop on a plane. True, you can. But if you’re serious about making the most of your travels in the long term, you’ll want to think things through carefully so you can optimize your experience.

A lot of people may decide to be a budget backpacker on a whim and think they can go ahead and just hop on a plane. True, you can. But if you’re in it for the long haul then you’re going to want to think it through a little bit first so you can make the most out of your travels.

Plan Your Costs and Your Incomes

Okay, so here comes the (not so) fun part. A crucial aspect of backpacking is your budget and what you’ll be spending it on. Before you even think about booking any travel or accommodation, it’s a great idea to plan out your budget. Take a look at your current earnings and savings and roughly figure out how much you’ll need for your trip. To do this, consider the following:

  • How long do you plan to travel for?
  • Where do you want to travel?
  • What modes of transport will you take? (Tip: When searching for travel, do it in incognito mode to avoid price hikes)
  • What experiences do you want to have? (Is there something specific you’ve always wanted to do that might be expensive?)

There are many more factors to consider, but these are a good starting point. Of course, you can never be completely certain of how much you’ll need and where and when money will be spent, but you can do your best to have a rough plan to avoid overspending when you can’t afford it. Doing so will save a lot of time and stress in the future when you’re in the midst of your travels and just want to enjoy yourself to the fullest!

Doing so will save a lot of time and stress in the future when you’re in the midst of your travels and just want to enjoy yourself as much as possible!

Gear Up for Your Budget Backpack Trip

Now that you’ve decided on a destination and the means of transportation, it’s time to pack. I know this is the part that everyone dreads, but it’s a necessity. There are the obvious items you’ll need, such as clothes, a toothbrush, and a wallet, but there are some other things you may want to think about as well, like a padlock, washing powder, a reusable water bottle, a first aid kit, and maybe even toilet paper! It depends on where you’re going, but make sure you have the essentials. If you don’t want to carry a lot of clothes (who does), but still want to look presentable, why not try a clothes swap? You could do this in a hostel or at a local clothes swap.

So, you’ve decided on a place and how you’re getting there etc, but what about packing? I know this is the part that everyone hates, but it must be done. There’s the obvious items you’ll need like clothes, toothbrush and wallet, but there’s somethings you may want to consider too like a padlock, washing powder, reusable water bottle, first aid kit, hey maybe even toilet paper! It really depends on where you’re going but just make sure you have the necessities. If you don’t want to lug about lots of clothes (who does) but still want to look fresh, why not try a clothes swap? You could do this in a hostel, or at a local clothes swap.

Don’t Forget to Get Insured for the Trip

The less exciting but equally important part of traveling. Sure, you can travel without insurance – it isn’t always necessary, but if you find yourself in a difficult situation, you’ll wish you had it. Although it may cost you a bit of money upfront before your trip, it’s well worth it as it gives you peace of mind knowing that you’re covered.

The less exciting part of travelling, but just as important. Sure, you can travel without insurance – it isn’t always necessary but if you get into a difficult situation, you’ll wish you had had it. Though it may cost you a bit of money upfront before your trip, it’s well worth it as you can have full peace of mind knowing that you’re covered.

7 Essential Tips to Be a Budget Backpacker

1. Try Hitchhiking

Hitchhiking may have a bad reputation in some places, but it can save you a significant amount of money. I would only recommend it if you’re traveling with someone else and the person picking you up is kind and trustworthy – always be vigilant. Note: If you’re a woman or someone more vulnerable, I don’t suggest this is the best option. It’s unfortunate that it has to be this way, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry. This applies to everyone – if your gut tells you it’s safer to spend 30 euros on a train, do it. You may have less money in your pocket, but at least you’ll be safe.

Hitchhiking gets a bad reputation in many places, but it can save you so much money. I’d only recommend it if you are travelling with someone else, and the person picking you up is kind and trustworthy – be sure to stay vigilant.

2. Use Your Network

Knowing someone in the place you’re going to is beneficial for several reasons. If possible, get their contact details so that if anything happens, you have someone you know and trust to turn to.

Also, if you know someone well enough, you may be able to stay with them for a couple of days. Just make sure to be respectful and offer your help in return for their hospitality.

Knowing someone in the place you’re going to is great for a few different reasons. If possible, it’s good to get their contact details so if anything happens, you have someone you know and trust to help you.

Also, if you know someone well enough, you may be able to stay with them for a couple days. Just make sure to be respectful and offer your help if they need it in return for staying.

3. Avoid Acting Like a Tourist

Every budget backpacker needs to learn how to not look like a tourist. Things like learning a little bit of the local language can work wonders and will help you understand more, so people can’t take advantage of you as easily. Often, when people hear a foreign accent, they assume you’ll be an easy target to con. This includes taxi drivers, con artists, pickpockets, and any other malicious individuals. Another thing to do is avoid the tourist hotspots. Cafes and restaurants that are overly touristy are likely to be more expensive compared to traditional places.

Every budget backpacker has to learn how to don’t look like a tourist. Things like learning a little bit of the language to get by can do wonders, and will mean you can understand more so people can’t rip you off as easily.

Often when people hear a foreign accent, they assume that you will be an easy target to con. That includes taxi drivers, con artists, pit pocketers and any other malicious person.

Another thing to do is avoid the tourist hotspots. Cafes and restaurants that scream non-authentic are likely to be pretty pricey compared to traditional places.

4. Bag the Bargains

I’m about to sound like an old-fashioned woman here, but we all love a good deal, don’t we? When backpacking, you don’t have the luxury of being picky. Forget about the fancy restaurants and high-end supermarkets. Instead, look for the best deals. Going to supermarkets in the evening or cafes/restaurants close to closing time is likely to get you some sweet discounts.

I’m about to sound like a middle aged woman here, but we all love a bargain don’t we? When you’re backpacking, you don’t have the choice to be picky. Forget the fancy restaurants and high end supermarkets, oh no, you’re going to want to find the best deals. Going to supermarkets in the evening, and cafes/restaurants close to closing time is likely to guarantee you some sweet offers.

5. Budget Backpack with a Friend

Solo traveling is wonderful (believe me, I’ve done it), but sometimes having a good travel buddy is unbeatable. Why not lower the costs even further and travel with a partner or a friend? You’ll have a great time together. However, if that’s not your thing, you also have the advantage of making friends along the way in hostels and wherever else you end up! Someone you stay with may be traveling to the next country you’re going to, so why not join them for the ride?

Solo travelling is fantastic (believe me, I’ve done it) but sometimes you just can’t beat a good travel buddy. Why not lower the costs even more and travel with a partner or friend? 

You’ll have a blast together. However, if that doesn’t float your boat you also have the great advantage of making friends along the way in hostels, and wherever else you end up! Someone who you’re staying with may be traveling to the next country you are, so why not join them for the ride?

6. Trade Your Skills for Accommodation

If taking an extended period of time off to travel seems impossible because you can’t afford hotel rates, then you should consider doing a volunteering work exchange program. nfcvb is a great platform to start. It’s a global community formed by conscious travelers and welcoming hosts that has been facilitating thousands of connections and unique experiences since 2014. WP offers a variety of projects worldwide, such as eco programs (staying on farms, ecovillages, and holistic centers), social impact programs (to help NGOs, communities, and schools), and more! In addition, their online platform has a trained team to ensure you and your host have a fun and safe experience. So, if saving money on accommodation is your goal, don’t miss these 10 Places where you can live for free using nfcvb. It’s important to know what to expect, so watch these 10 Myths about nfcvb and get ready to develop new skills and make a positive impact on the world!

If taking an extended period of time off to travel seems unlikely because you can’t afford much hotel rates then you should consider doing a volunteering work exchange program.

nfcvb is a great platform to start volunteering – it is a global community formed by conscious travelers and welcoming hosts that has been promoting thousands of connections and unique experiences since 2014.

WP offers a lot of different types of projects worldwide, such as eco programs (staying on farms, ecovillages and holistic centers), social impact programs (to help NGOs, communities and schools) and much more!

Besides, their online plataform has a trained team to help you and your host to have a fun and safe experience.

So, if saving money in accomodation is your goal, don’t miss these 10 Places where you can live for free using nfcvb.

It is important to know what to expect, so watch these 10 myths about nfcvb and get ready to develop new skills and make a positive impact on the world!

7. Make Money while Traveling

Another fantastic option for those worried about money is learning how to work and travel. Are you particularly skilled at something? Digital art? Editing? Teaching? Well, thanks to technology, you can easily make a living by working online. Sites like fiverr are great for those looking to sell their services, especially for creatives. You set your own prices and wait for customers to come. Another idea is teaching languages online – there are many websites that offer the opportunity to teach a language to kids. You may even be qualified in something like yoga teaching or personal training, and in that case, you’d better set up your YouTube channel now because jobs like these are really taking off. The best part about online jobs is that you can build a community from wherever you are in the world and take it with you wherever you go. As long as you stay connected, your community will follow (figuratively, of course). So, what are you waiting for? Follow these tips to make the most of budget backpacking and go explore the world!

Another fantastic option for those worried with money is learning how to work and travel.

Are you particularly skilled at something? Digital art? Editing? Teaching? Well thanks to technology you can easily make a living by working online. Sites like fiverr are great for those who are looking to sell their services, especially for creatives. You set your own prices and wait for customers to roll in. 

Another idea is teaching languages online – there’s many websites that offer you to teach a language to kids. You may even be qualified in something such as yoga teaching or personal